The Adventures of Systems Boy!

Confessions of a Mac SysAdmin...

Adobe Update Hell

I've been hopeful in the past about Adobe installers, and there have been improvements. But Adobe's update process still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth every time I try to use it, which is with less and less frequency, largely because of said bitter taste.

Adobe Updater: Update Thyself? Not Confidence-Inspiring
(click image for larger view)

Even more frustrating is the fact that Adobe's updaters continue to annoy even after being expressly told not to. To wit, this dialog popped up out of nowhere recently, despite its preferences being set otherwise.

Adobe Updater Preferences: Completely Disregarded
(click image for larger view)

I contend that Adobe's automated update process is just plain broken. It's actually much easier to use their support site than their updater. That's what I do when I need to run Adobe updates. And I keep the updater turned off.

Or at least I try to.

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12:21 AM

Ugh. Adobe Updater continues to deteriorate, like much of Adobe's once-lovely software itself. I wrote recently about my own frustrating incident with Adobe Updater, but really, you can look almost anywhere in that program and find disappointment.    

12:40 PM

Yeah, fortunately I don't use Adobe stuff deeply enough to have any real problems with the software. I'm pretty much using like I was 10 years ago. But the updaters! My God, the updaters!

It's crazy to me that they can so drastically improve the installers (not that there aren't still problems) yet still have the updaters be so radically sucky. At least 50% of the time (and I'm being generous here) they just don't work.

BTW, your blog looks pretty cool. I'll check it out more when I get a chance.


12:12 PM

Yeah, I feel your pain. Adobe's updates in general are the worst. Horrible in the enterprise. We have 50 installed copies of Design Suite. When they need updates, EACH computer connects to an adobe server to download 100MB+ of updates. Total waste.    

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