The Beast
The Beast: Eight Frickin' Cores, Dude
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(click image for larger view)
To wit: I was doing some video compressing. The top command showed about 300% processor usage. And I thought, "Wow. That's not even half."
The only thing preventing my jealousy is the fact that I'm really, really, happy with the 24" display on my iMac (@home, work is still macbook pro) That, and the fact that I live only in a text editor, a terminal, and Adobe Lightroom.
I'll be supremely jealous within about 2 years though)
9:11 AM
Almost got an iMac. Just couldn't do it. I use this for video a lot, and though the space savings would be nice (NYC studio apt), and the iMacs are mighty pretty, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
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